Classical Education Worldwide

I very much enjoyed my time at the Transform World 4/14 Window conference. There were 350 of us from 60 nations who gathered to consider how we might reach children around the world aged 4 to 14. I participated in the education track with about 20 educators from several countries. While the task of establishing and strengthening schools from around the world is enormous, we made some significant headway highlighting the big issues, challenges and opportunities that exist in various regions. We started 7 committees to break down the goals we are seeking to achieve. I am leading the School Development Committee which will seek to further clarify the challenges and opportunities each region faces in planting and strengthening Christian schools. I will also participate on a Curriculum Committee that will seek to gather, adapt and deploy curricula to various regions around the world. Those interested in helping…please contact me!

How would classical education work in eastern countries?

Next week I will be participating in an world mission’s conference that among other things will be exploring how education can serve world missions. Classical education has always morphed and adapted to new, dynamic settings, and it has flourished in the east as well at the west. Historically, it has been anything but static. Still, I am challenged by the question of how we can deploy the curricula, pedagogy and insights of classical education to countries in the east today. I will be exploring this question with some others at the coming conference. Ideas and thoughts are welcome.

Discovery of Deduction in Proofing Stage

We have now finished the design of Discovery of Deduction and are now moving on to the last stage before printing–final proofing. We take our books through two proofs, by two different editors. We are very excited as this book has received a tremendous amount of effort and attention from three different authors, producing a truly excellent formal logic text for upper school students. In my opinion, the brilliance of the book results from a combination of clear, illustrated teaching and practical, relevant (and creative!) application.

Two New Books About to Ship!

The CAP Team has been working hard to release several books this spring and summer. We released God’s Great Covenant Book 2 (the second half of the OT) in May. Now we are about to release the Art of Poetry by Christine Perrin and Song School Greek by Michelle Hahne. Both of these books have been a labor of love, but I can’t tell you how glad we are to send them off. The Art of Poetry is designed for junior high and high school students and introduces students to both the elements of poetry and the formal history of poetry. Song School Greek is patterned after our popular Song School Latin and also contains an album of 30 child-friendly songs that help students to master their Greek vocabulary, chapter by chapter. Song School Greek is designed as friendly introduction to Koine Greek and is targeted at grades 1-3.

Greek for Children is…almost done. 28 of 30 chapters are laid out. We will be proofing the text in the next two weeks and then hopefully sending it to the printer in August.

Why Schools Can Teach But Not Educate

Jacques Barzun in his book Teacher in America satirizes the way many use the word “education” as the great solution—“education” is to do everything the world leaves undone so that prevailing dogma is that “education is the hope of the world.” Schools, he says, are better off doing what they are designed to do: teach. Not that he is down on education, he is not. He simply believes that education is the “lifelong discipline of the individual by himself, encouraged by a reasonable opportunity to lead a good life” and that education is synonymous with civilization. “Civilization,” he says, “is a long slow process which cannot be ‘given’ in a short course.”

Of course he is right—and wrong. Education is a much broader concept than teaching (or schooling) and the word is used to cover “abysses of emptiness” (Barzun’s words). But while schools should focus on teaching extremely well, they still can and should participate in the broader enterprise of education. Especially classical Christian schools.

Classical Christian schools aspire to actually educate students. Our tradition and the Scriptures give us no alternative. The apostle Paul makes it clear that our aim is to educate children in the fullest sense of the word—the Vulgate even uses the Latin word educate (imperative form of educare) in Ephesians 6: 5: “Fathers bring up (educate) your children in the instruction of the Lord.” The Greek for “instruction” is paideia, a very rich word that can also be translated as “discipline” or “training.” It connotes the Greek view of the making of a man of excellence, which was the goal of the Greek polis. Moses in Deut. 6:4-9 also makes it clear that a child’s education is parent-centered and occurs in everyplace (“when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up”). Classical schools that stand in the place of parents are given a comprehensive call to educate and not merely teach.

Now here’s the rub. Schools, on their own, cannot educate students. The education of a human being—no less a Christian human being– is indeed a large aim that encompasses much more than the multiplication table, historical dates, even the mastery of grammar, logic and rhetoric. For schools to fancy they are actually educating students involves a serious commitment beyond the classroom and even the student himself. If schools are to do more than teach they must be communal—they must be in community and partnership with parents, pastors, family, friends and chiefly with the student himself. It is in fact a “culture of learning” involving an interdependence of all these people that results in an education and no mere diploma. It is often observed, that there is simply no hope for education unless the student learns to learn and learns to love learning. This rarely happens on account of a good text, classroom and teacher. It frequently happens when everywhere a child turns he finds the paideia of the Lord pursued by parents, family, teachers, friends and his church.

Every classical Christian school would do well then to work intentionally and fervently to cultivate friendship and camaraderie among students, teachers, parents, churches and supporters. By doing this our schools will become part of bona fide communities of learning that will raise up the next generation of Christian leaders and change our world. As busy as we are with operating a school and teaching, we cannot neglect the profound need we have to actually help craft an education.